Control AWE train puzzle solution

Control AWE train puzzle solution

The Control AWE train puzzle solution can be tricky to figure out. It isn’t exactly clear what you are supposed to do. There are items on the table but what order do you have to use them in? Here’s how to figure out the train puzzle in the Dead in its Tracks side mission in the AWE DLC.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

Control AWE train puzzle solution

First, you’ll need to find the train. This is in one of the areas where you fight Hartman right near the Eagle Limited AWE Control Point. After clearing that, you’ll be able to approach the train. Go to the back of the train to start the mission. You’ll see an interaction prompt near one of the doors (the door at the picture at the very top of this article).

Control AWE train puzzle solution

You’ll see a bunch of items you can interact with. The key here is to play the story the way it unfolded and to interact with the items in the most logical chronological order. Listening to their story gives you clues on what happened first and last. The first one you need to interact with is the briefcase, as you can see in the above picture.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

After that, go to the conductor’s hat.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

Once you interact with the conductor’s hat, go to the violin.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

After the violin, go to the dinner plate with food on it.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

Now things get rough. Go to the hammer after the dinner plate.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

The final step is the stack of gears on the table.

Control AWE train puzzle solution

Once you get them all correct and in a row, you will see the door open up at the end.

In essence, the Control AWE train puzzle solution is:

  • Briefcase
  • Conductor’s hat
  • Violin
  • Dinner plate
  • Hammer
  • Pile of gears

You must do them in that order. You’ll get a weapon mod, a case file, and crafting materials.

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