In order to complete the Electric Fling side quest, you’ll need to look up how to find the phonograph locations in The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC. They’re scattered all over the asteroid in specific places. The game gives you vague directions, but it’s up to you to figure it out. So where are the phonographs on Gorgon? And who should you give the phonographs to?
The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Phonograph locations | CHEM Lab Storage Room
This phonograph is in the CHEM Lab, which you will go to during one of the main campaign DLC missions. You can check the above map for the exact location.
You will eventually make your way to a room with a bunch of green cubes and office cubicles called the Main Lab. The sign is out, but you can still make out the words.
This is a room with a bunch of green tubes and computers, which you can see in the above picture. Once you’re in the room, there will be a storage closet in the left side of the room. Open the door.
Once you open the door, you’ll be greeted to the phonograph on top of one of the shelves.
The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Phonograph locations | OCI Projector Room
This phonograph is in the Office of Creative Incubations, which you go to during the story. You’ll need Clarence Mostly’s eye to get in. It’s a little bit into the level so make your way through and you’ll eventually get to a larger area with a bunch of enemies in it.
If you look closely, you’ll notice that it’s a big theater. Go up to where the projector would be (directly across from the theater screen where the arrow is pointing in the top picture). The phonograph is on a shelf right before the room with the turret on a rail (as you can see in the above picture).
Here’s a map that points to exactly where that phonograph is.
The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Phonograph locations | Birdie’s apartment outside OCI
This one is right outside the Office of Creative Incubations in the Executive Suits part of the map (if you’ve been there before, that part of the map with have a square on it and say “Executive Suites” when you hover over it). Go up the ramp and go into the first apartment that the red arrow is pointing to in the above picture.
The phonograph is in the back of the room.
Here is a map of that area and where the phonograph is.
The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Phonograph locations | HIA Observation Room B
As the title implies, this one is in Human Inquiry and Auditing, which you won’t be able to access until you do a few of the critical path missions. Even though the game tells you it is in Observation Room B behind a pipe, it doesn’t do a great job of labeling the rooms. However, Observation Room B is the room with the big, unmissable green tubes in it.
Go into this room and go near one of the doors. You’ll see the phonograph between a pipe and a wall. Use the above map for reference. There are a few ways to get into this room but one is through the red-tinted room with the theme park ride-esque cutouts everywhere.
The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Phonograph locations | Ravine
This last phonograph is in the Trash Dump, which is in the southern part of them map, as you can see by the above picture.
When you get to that area, you’ll see a building that plainly just says “Trash” on it, like you can see in the picture. Go inside.
You’ll see a locker right by the door and the phonograph will be in there.
Once you find all of the phonographs, you will have the option to turn them in to Georgie’s robot, which is where the blue arrow is in the above map, or back to Roscoe at the Sprat Shack. It depends on who you want to help so the decision is up to you.