Apex Legends No Footsteps Sound

Apex Legends No Footsteps Sound bug fix

Despite Apex Legends launching well over a year ago and receiving a number of patches that have fixed issues and added new content, there is still one pesky audio bug plaguing players: the no footsteps audio bug. Thankfully, after having a lot of experience with the problem, we have put together a guide on how to fix the Apex Legends no footsteps sound bug.

How to fix the Apex Legends no footsteps sound bug

Apex Legends No Footsteps Sound

The current best way to fix the Apex Legends no footsteps sound bug is to exit the match as soon as you notice it is an issue.

Leaving outright allows you to minimize frustration for yourself, as you can just queue again to quickly find a match where footsteps are working just fine.

Obviously this isn’t an ideal way to solve the issue, and it won’t work in ranked matches, but with footsteps being broken, it’s probably best to avoid ranked for the time being if you’re at a higher level.

We’ve also found that turning down the Music Audio in settings allows us to better focus on what’s happening in the gameplay.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that sometimes the sound mix pushes actions like healing or ziplining above footstep noise. So if you’re healing, you’ll want to really focus on any other sounds, as it’s easy to be snuck up on.

Obviously the perfect fix would be to have the developers solve the issue in an upcoming patch. However, it doesn’t look like developer Respawn Entertainment has acknowledged the no footsteps audio bug issue, so it might not even be on their radar.

You can keep an eye on the official Apex Legends Trello to see what the developers are currently aware of and working to fix.

We’ll reach out to Respawn with a request for comment to try and get to the bottom of this. After personally losing a round where I couldn’t hear Pathfinders, I know how frustrating problem can be.

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