Freedom Wars Entitlement Guide (Everyday and Interface)

Entitlement Guide (Everyday and Interface)

Entitlement Guide (Everyday and Interface)

Entitlements essentially serve as Freedom War's version of skills and abilities. They represent privileges earned by humans based on class, and the completion of missions allows for more Entitlement options. In order to purchase new Entitlements from the "Entitlement Catalog," players must raise their code level clearance status.

Entitlements are split into four main categories: Aesthetic, Equipment, Everyday, and Interface. The latter two are covered here, while the first two can be found in part one of our Entitlement Guide.

Everyday Entitlements

Everyday Entitlements allow players to fully interact with NPCs and explore the Cell Garden. It weaves into the narrative of the game, in which humans must obtain new privileges while imprisoned. Let's just say some of the following rights are quite basic.
  • Right to Inter-Gender Contact: Talk to NPCs of the opposite sex.
  • Right to Inter-Sinner Interaction: Talk with Sinner NPCs
  • Right to Pace: Take 5+ steps in the cell.
  • Right to Partially Unsupervised Activity: Allows the freedom to move further away so you can explore Cell Garden more.
  • Right to Recline: Recline while sleeping.
  • Right to Roam: Leave the cell and explore Cell Garden.
  • Right to Run 5 Seconds: Run for 5+ seconds in Cell Garden.
  • Right to Sinner-Citizen Interaction: Speak to citizens.
  • Right to Take Part in OPS Ops: Participate in missions.

Interface Entitlements

Interface Entitlements mainly deal with facility management, which allows players to craft better weapons and equipment for missions. There are also a few other options found under Interface Entitlement, though they aren't quite as important as facility upkeep.

  • Right to Assign Five Orders
  • Right to Name Accessory

  • Quick Travel Permit
  • Cell Garden 2 Minute Permit: Explore Cell Garden for two minutes at the most
  • Cell Garden 3 Minute Permit: Explore Cell Garden for three minutes at the most

Facility Management
  • Grade 1 Weapons Facility Permit
  • Grade 2 Weapons Facility Permit
  • Grade 3 Weapons Facility Permit
  • Grade 4 Weapons Facility Permit
  • Grade 5 Weapons Facility Permit
  • Grade 1 Medial Facility Permit
  • Grade 2 Medial Facility Permit
  • Grade 3 Medial Facility Permit
  • Grade 4 Medial Facility Permit
  • Grade 5 Medial Facility Permit
  • Grade 1 Munition Facility Permit
  • Grade 2 Munition Facility Permit
  • Grade 3 Munition Facility Permit
  • Grade 4 Munition Facility Permit
  • Grade 5 Munition Facility Permit
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