Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Arcane Power Guide

Arcane Power Guide

Complete throne challenges to unlock additional elements for the arcane powers.


  • Stone: Turn the flesh of your opponents into stone, which not only removes them from combat, but makes for fantastic lawn gnomes.
  • Soul: Devour the essence of your target's soul in a most humiliating and painful manner.
  • Shadow: Blanket your target with a swarm of darkness, slowing them down and tearing at their flesh as they try to escape.


  • Imp: Call forth the smallest of Hell's minions to create chaos and pandemonium, to draw some of the heat off you. Upgrade this power for more imps.
  • Tower: Summon your very own spire to puncture enemies in the proximinty, and upgrade it to blast flying enemies out of the sky!
  • Titan: Spawn one of Hell's champion Legionnaires to smash your opponents!


  • Force: Repel your opponents away from you, which works great when near cliffs and ledges.
  • Vacuum: Jump into the air, creating a powerful vacuum in your wake, which gathers local enemies in one spot. Perfect for a follow up area attack!
  • Flash demon-kind with a healthy dose of holy light. It hurts so good!


  • Coldfire: Coldfire produces ice cold flames of energy around the user, which will set fire to the normally fire-resistant demons of hell as the user runs near them.
  • Vamp: This element drains nearby targets of their life and transfers it to you.
  • Worship: Force the inferior to their knees in worship! You demand nothing less.

Super Sprint

Shield - Reduced Damage
  • The shield buffers incoming projectiles, causing you to take less damage when super sprinting.
  • Requires level 5
  • Costs 5 soul clusters

Shield - Unstoppable
  • Plow through vehicles and other objects while sprinting and flying!
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 5 soul clusters

Sprint - Efficiency
  • Super sprinting uses less stamina.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Efficiency 2
  • Super sprinting uses far less stamina.
  • Requires level 4
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Efficiency 3
  • Super sprinting barely uses any stamina.
  • Requires level 7
  • Costs 15 soul clusters

Sprint - Haste
  • Super sprinting reaches maximum speed faster!
  • Requires level 2
  • Costs 5 soul clusters

Sprint - Lava Running
  • Super sprinting now works on lava. Hold L1 as you enter lava to sprint across it without taking damage!
  • Requires level 4
  • Costs 5 soul clusters

Sprint - Shield
  • An arcane shield manifests while super sprinting. It unlocks many other sprinting upgrades.
  • Requires level 2
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Speed
  • Increased speed while super sprinting.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Speed 2
  • Increased speed while super sprinting.
  • Requires level 3
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Speed 3
  • Maximum speed while super sprinting. You're practically faster than a speeding bullet.
  • Requires level 9
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Sprint - Unlimited Sprinting
  • Unlimited sprinting.
  • Requires level 20
  • Costs 15 soul clusters

Sprint - Wall Running
  • Jump onto the side of a building and hold L1 to sprint up the wall! A must-have for any super powered Saint.
  • Requires level 4
  • Costs 10 soul clusters


Flight - Efficiency
  • Flying uses less stamina.
  • Requires level 2
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Efficiency 2
  • Flying uses much less stamina.
  • Requires level 5
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Efficiency 3
  • Flying uses hardly any stamina at all.
  • Requires level 8
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Flap
  • Earn a flap each time you take to the air. Press X to gain an additional jump, or gain speed in flight.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Flap 2
  • Earn a second flap each time you take to the air. Press X to gain an additional jump, or gain speed in flight.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Flap 3
  • Earn a third flap each time you take to the air. Press X to gain an additional jump, or gain speed in flight.
  • Requires level 3
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Flap 4
  • Earn a fourth flap each time you take to the air. Press X to gain an additional jump, or gain speed in flight.
  • Requires level 5
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Flap 5
  • Earn a fifth flap each time you take to the air. Press X to gain an additional jump, or gain speed in flight.
  • Requires level 7
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Hover
  • Hover in midair by holding L2, then tap R1 to initiate your powers!
  • Requires level 2
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Maneuvers
  • While flying with this upgrade, the player can press triangle to perform an aerial stunt, which thwarts homing missiles and shakes off attached imps.
  • Requires level 5
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Nimble
  • With this upgrade the player can make shaprer turns left and right, and tilt up and down more sharply.
  • Requires level 3
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Power
  • Execute higher jumps and more forceful flaps.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Power 2
  • Execute even higher jumps and even more forceful flaps.
  • Requires level 4
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Stability
  • Tap X to recover from a ragdoll in the air. This also performs an aerial dive when stalling, instead of plummeting to the ground.
  • Requires level 2
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Stamina Recovery
  • Instantly recover 25% of your stamina when you land from flight.
  • Requires level 1
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Stamina Recovery 2
  • Instantly recover 50% of your stamina when you land from flight.
  • Requires level 5
  • Costs 10 soul clusters

Flight - Stamina Recovery 3
  • Instantly recover 75% of your stamina when you land from flight.
  • Requires level 12
  • Costs 15 soul clusters
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