Midnight Club is a much-beloved series that mysteriously vanished from the gaming scene over a decade ago. Each of the franchise’s four entries reviewed and sold well. However, after the 2009 release of Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Edition, Rockstar San Diego hasn’t revisited it. This leaves fans wondering, will there be a new Midnight Club 5 on PS5, or is the series gone for good?
Will there be a Midnight Club PS5 game?
Despite continued enthusiasm from fans, it seems like Rockstar may never make Midnight Club 5 (no matter how much we want one). We’ve heard nothing from Rockstar concerning the series in over ten years, and many of those who worked on the first four have moved on since Midnight Club: Los Angeles was released.
In the last decade, Rockstar Games has moved to a much more condensed release schedule. That means smaller projects, like Midnight Club, have largely been ignored or shelved. There were rumors that a Midnight Club 5 was in development for PS3 and Xbox 360 right after the release of Midnight Club: Los Angeles. However, it was apparently shelved, and Rockstar San Diego has primarily worked to develop and maintain the RAGE engine and support other studios since then.
The one thing that might make a Midnight Club 5 for PS5 possible is that the only project we know for sure is in the works at Rockstar is the GTA5 next-gen port. That means that a Midnight Club game could be in development as the studio’s next major title. However, it’s more likely that most of the company’s resources are going toward the development of Grand Theft Auto 6.
Unfortunately, it seems like Midnight Club 5 won’t be developed. If it is, it’ll likely be as an expansion or mode for GTA Online. Rockstar just makes too much money off of the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption franchises to make concentrating on anything else worthwhile, at least for now.