Goblin Defenders II iPhone Cheats

Tips and Tricks

Earn as many stars as you can because you'll need them so keep in mind the fewer enemies you miss, the more stars you'll earn.

Give a few coins to your soldiers. Gold ls a great motivator in battle!

You can always redistribute your skill points by tapping RESET.

Goblins can use crystals to buy anything, from stones and iron to sulfur and dynamite!

The mine will provide you with resources every 1 hour use them mostly to upgrade your towers.

Also train your heroes. The more skilled your hero is, the more time he or she needs fur training.

Attacks you can use:

Reserves! Delivers 200 crates from your reserves and you can build anything you want with them!

Global Freeze? Freezes every enemy an the map for 10 seconds.

Megabomb? Is a death from above! This big bang causes massive damage to every enemy on the map.

Stone! You need stone to upgrade towers.

Iron! You need iron to upgrade towers.

Dynamite. You need dynamite to blow up obstacles in the forest.

Spirit Tank. Increases the capacity of your spirit to 100%. More spirit equals more courage!

Spirit Generator. Spirit restores faster for 50%! Do not make enemies wait!

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