How to fix PlayStation error code E-8210604A

How to Fix PlayStation Error Code E-8210604A?

Some users trying to purchase a PS Now or PS Plus subscription are running into PlayStation error code E-8210604A. Unfortunately, there’s no helpful message that goes along with this error, and users are on their own to figure out what it means and how to fix it. There’s no definite cause for PlayStation error E-8210604A, and it can occur on PS4 or PS5. Fortunately, there are a few things a user can do to try and get past it and get their subscription.

How to fix PlayStation error code E-8210604A when subscribing to PS Plus or PS Now

How to fix PS Plus PS Now network error code E-8210604A

PlayStation error code E-8210604A occurs when there are issues with a payment method. This problem most often occurs when users have just updated an expired debit card and can prevent them from completing their subscription to PS Plus or PS Now. Usually, the issue can be fixed by just waiting a day or two and trying again. However, those that are eager to get a sub ASAP can try a few more proactive fixes.

Before doing anything, users should check that the PlayStation Network is up. If the servers are having issues when a user is trying to play, it can cause error code E-8210604A to occur. Fortunately, Sony has an official server status page which makes checking this easy.

Sometimes this issue can be fixed by simply logging out of PSN and logging back in. However, users will have to utilize another method to pay for their subscriptions most of the time. One of these alternative methods may work if a user’s debit or credit card is causing error E-8210604A:

  • Buy a prepaid PSN card.
  • Add another payment method (like PayPal).
  • Add funds to the Wallet and use those to purchase the sub.

If the above fixes don’t work. Try resetting and updating the console. If that fails to clear error code E-8210604A, users should contact PlayStation Support to see if there’s an issue with their account.

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