Zhuyan is the second boss you meet in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and it’s not nearly as tough as Zhang Liang. The monkey boss can be tricky, though, so don’t be surprised if it kills you a few times before you get the hang of its move set. Fortunately, there are a few tactics you can use to make the Zhuyan boss fight a breeze.
How to beat Zhuyan in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Here’s the easy way to beat the Zhuyan boss fight in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty:
- Let Zhao Yun take the brunt of the damage.
- Stay away from Zhuyan as much as possible.
- When Zhuyan is fully concentrating on Zhao Yun, sneak up to it and give it a wack to aggro it and run away.
- If you’re far enough away, it should try and strike with its Critical Blow.
- Deflect it and attack a few more times to break Zhuyan’s spirit.
- Execute a Fatal Strike with Triangle or Y.
- Repeat until it’s dead.
The quickest way to lose against Zhuyan in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is to try to stand toe to toe with it. The creature hits hard and fast and can quickly kill you. Hanging back and manipulating it into trying to hit you with a Critical Blow is easy mode for this fight, especially since Zhao Yun is there to soak up all of Zhuyan’s attention.