Resident Evil 4 remake is U3 Boss Cut Content

Resident Evil 4 Remake: Was U3 Cut From the Game?

The U3 boss fight isn’t in Resident Evil 4 remake, but that doesn’t mean the creature is missing entirely. Instead, U3 has been given a backstory, and the fight with it might have been removed from the base game for a reason. We’ll discuss what happened to U3 and where it appears in RE4 remake below.

Is the U3 boss fight in Resident Evil 4 remake?

While the U3 boss fight was cut from Resident Evil 4 remake, it’s still in the game. We find out in a file that “U-III” is the designation for one of Salazar’s bodyguards, the one in the black cloak who is also dubbed “Pesanta.” We learn its backstory in the file “Chronicles of Pursuit 2,” which is found in the castle:

October, eight years since my awakening–

At last, my noble pursuit progresses to its final stage: the fusion of human and insect.

The housekeeper has graciously volunteered herself for the experiment. I shall pour my whole heart into this endeavor in order to transcend humanity and make Master Ramón proud,

March, nine years since my awakening–

A glorious union has been made! The housekeeper has endured much suffering, but not for naught! Behold, the fruits of our labor in all its beauty!

I shall consecrate this perfect lifeform with the name “U-III,” for III is the most beautiful and complete number.

April, nine years since my awakening –

U-III, my dear hound “Pesanta,” has been chosen to serve as the right hand of Master Ramón. But is two not better than one?

Now, it is my turn to demonstrate my loyalty.

His humble servant,

Isidro Uriarte Talavera

File: Chronicles of Pursuit 2

Interestingly, though we see U3 (aka Peseta) in the black robes flanking Salazar when we’re introduced to him the first time, it disappears afterward. So I’m placing my bets on the U3 fight not actually being cut from Resident Evil 4 remake at all. My guess is that it’s going to be part of an expanded Separate Ways DLC and that Ada will face it as a boss.

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