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Armored Core 6 Juggernaut Boss: How to Beat the Operation Wallclimber Boss

You’ll have to take on the Juggernaut boss in Armored Core 6 at the conclusion of Operation Wallclimber. Fortunately, at this point, you’ll finally have access to a decent collection of AC parts that give you plenty of options on how to approach this hulking artillery unit. Because of this, you’ll find this boss is easier than the ones you’ve faced so far.

Armored Core 6 Best Juggernaut boss loadout

The Juggernaut boss isn’t too challenging in Armored Core 6 as long as you keep moving. So, our build concentrates on high mobility. For weapons, we went with plasma missiles on the back, which deal a ton of area damage, and a Bazooka and Pulse Blade to hit the Juggernaut’s weak spot with.

  • Head, Arms, Core: Anything
  • Legs: Nachtreiher
  • Right Arm Weapon: DF-BA-06 Xuan-Ge Bazooka
  • Left Arm Weapon: HI32: BU-TT/A Pulse Blade
  • Right and Left Back Units: Vvc-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher
  • Booster: BST-G1sdddd
  • FCS: FCS-G2
  • Generator: DF-GN-02

This build has high mobility due to the reverse joint Nachtreiher legs. You’ll want to stay in the air as much as possible during the fight with the Juggernaut, and the extra jump height from these legs helps a lot.

More Armored Core 6

How to beat the Juggernaut boss in Armored Core 6

When you face the Juggernaut in AC6, you’ll have an advantage you rarely get in the game. V.IV Rusty will join you for the first phase of the fight and aggro the boss. However, this is offset by the fact that the Juggernaut’s frontal armor is impenetrable. You have to hit it from above or behind to do damage.

Let it chase your buddy while blasting it with Plasma Missiles, and watch for openings to close in and hit it from behind. Plasma Missiles cause ACS strain, even if they hit the Juggernaut’s frontal armor, so you should have an easy time whittling its health down to the 60% mark.

When the Juggernaut has lost 40% of its health, it’ll start deploying landmines when it charges or quick turns. Unfortunately, at the same time, Rusty will radio and tell you he has to go. However, you won’t have a tough time as long as you stay airborne and keep pelting the boss with missiles. Just watch for opportunities to hit the weak backside of the Juggernaut and keep building ACS strain to stagger it. Eventually, the behemoth will go down, and you’ll complete this mission.

AC6 Juggernaut boss FAQ

Q: What’s the key strategy for facing the Juggernaut boss in Armored Core 6?

A: Keep moving during the fight against the Juggernaut boss. Given its impenetrable frontal armor, your primary approach should be to hit it from above or behind. With the help of V.IV Rusty in the first phase of the battle, you can let the boss chase him while you look for opportunities to attack from its vulnerable spots.

Q: Which loadout is recommended for the Juggernaut boss battle in Armored Core 6?

A: Focus on a build that emphasizes mobility and effective weaponry. Equip your AC with the Nachtreiher legs for their reverse joint and high jump capabilities. For weapons, go with the DF-BA-06 Xuan-Ge Bazooka on the right arm and the HI32: BU-TT/A Pulse Blade on the left. Mount plasma missiles on both back units, as they are effective at dealing area damage and causing ACS strain, even against the Juggernaut’s tough frontal armor.

Q: How should I handle the second phase of the Juggernaut boss fight, especially after Rusty leaves?

A: Once the Juggernaut has lost 40% of its health, it will deploy landmines during its charges and quick turns. Despite Rusty’s departure at this phase, focus on staying airborne and continue pelting the boss with your plasma missiles. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to target the Juggernaut’s vulnerable backside and leverage the ACS strain from your missiles to stagger it. By maintaining this strategy, you’ll eventually bring the Juggernaut down and successfully complete the mission.

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