Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion mode klue solutions solve clues MK1

Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Klue Solutions: All MK1 Invasion Clues Solved

In Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion mode, you’ll find “klues” you must decipher to complete a challenge. These are pretty cryptic and can be a significant blocker since there’s no way around them. Luckily, we’ve put the work in to figure out the klue solutions in MK1, so you don’t have to.

Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Klue Solutions

At several points in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion mode, you’ll be confronted with a stage that presents you with a “klue.” You have to figure out what the clue means to discover the objective you need to complete to finish the challenge. Fortunately, these aren’t randomized, so you’ll run into them in the same order you see below.

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Fengjian Village Klues

  • ESDORYT TEH DWLOR: Unscramble this, and you’ll get “DESTROY THE WORLD.” There’s one Fatality in the game that blows up the Earth. So, equip Cyrax as your Kameo and complete the fight with his Fatality (Back, Forward, Back + Assist).

Sun Do Festival Klues

  • Toasty!!!: No, you don’t need to make the little dude appear in the corner of the screen. Instead, you must perform Scorpion’s Toasty Fatality by equipping him as a Kameo (Mid-range: Forward, Down, Forward + Assist).
  • AMNISLTA4: This unscrambled to “TALISMAN 4.” Just use a talisman four times in the match.

Tarkatan Colony Klues

  • Flipping Out: To complete this challenge, you need to switch your fighter’s stance 25-30 times during the fight.
  • DEDAERHT: “DEDAERHT” is “THREADED” backward. This is the name of Ashrah’s second Fatality. End the match with it (Down, Down, Back + B/Circle) to complete the challenge.

Shang Tsung’s Laboratory Klues

  • Brutal Ways: End the match with a Brutality.
  • Another Test Subject: If you didn’t pre-order the game, you can’t currently complete this one. It requires you to end the match with Shang Tsung’s second Fatality (Mid-range: Forward, Down, Back, Y/Triangle). You’ll have to wait until Shang Tsung is available to purchase separately if you don’t have him unlocked.

Living Forest Klues

  • ERTECA AOSCH: You can unscramble “ERTECA AOSCH” into “CREATE CHAOS.” “Chaos” is a synonym for havoc, so you need to play as Havik and perform a Fatality to complete the challenge.
  • NOMED RENNI: This phrase decodes into “INNER DEMON,” which is the name of Sareena’s Fatality. Equip her as a Kameo and finish the fight by performing Inner Demon (Mid-range: Back, Down, Down + RB or R1).
  • QUACKX10: This one is easy. What quacks? A duck! So, to complete this challenge, you need to duck 10 times.

Fire Temple Klues

  • Use the element that brings life: Check our guide here for this answer.
  • KCIRT TAH: You can decode this phrase to “HAT TRICK.” This, of course, refers to Kung Lao. Equip him as a Kameo and finish the fight with his Fatality (Close-range: Forward, Back, Forward + RB or R1) to complete this challenge.

MK1 Invasion Klue Solutions FAQ

Q: How do I decipher the “klues” in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion mode?

A: In Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion mode, you’ll encounter stages that present you with a “klue.” You need to figure out what each klue means to understand the objective to complete the challenge. For example, the klue “ESDORYT TEH DWLOR” unscrambles to “DESTROY THE WORLD,” and you’ll need to perform a specific Fatality in the game that corresponds to this klue.

Q: Can I bypass the klues in MK1 Invasion mode?

A: No, there’s no way around them. However, the klues aren’t randomized, so once you know the solutions, you can apply them when you run into the klues in the same order in the future.

Q: What should I do if I didn’t pre-order the game and encounter the “Another Test Subject” klue in Shang Tsung’s Laboratory?

A: The “Another Test Subject” klue requires you to end the match with Shang Tsung’s second Fatality. If you didn’t pre-order the game and don’t have Shang Tsung unlocked, you will have to wait until he is available for purchase separately to complete this challenge.

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