Lego How to Mine Knotwood Location

Lego Fortnite: How to Mine Knotroot

Knotroot is a special resource that you’ll need to mine early on in Lego Fortnite. It’s a type of superior wood that’s used to make many of the better early-game tools and devices. It’s much rarer than regular wood, and you’ll need a special tool to harvest it. We’ll discuss common Knotwood locations in Lego Fortnite below.

Where do you find Knotroot in Lego Fortnite?

Knotroot can only be found in caves in Lego Fortnite. Caves look like giant rocks emerging from the ground, and they have an entrance that you can interact with to be teleported inside. Once you’ve found a cave, an icon will be added to your map so you can easily return to it later.

How to Mine Knotroot

  1. Craft an Uncommon Forest Axe: You’ll need a special tool to harvest Knotroot. This axe requires an upgraded Crafting Bench (Uncommon level) and 3 Bones and 3 Wooden Rods.
  2. Head Inside a Cave: Once you have your axe, find a cave and enter.
  3. Locate the Knotroot: Look for thick, gnarled roots growing from the cave walls and ceiling. These are Knotroot!
  4. Chop Away: Swing your Uncommon Forest Axe at the Knotroot until it breaks. Each section yields some Knotroot.

Here are a few tips to mine Knotroot more efficiently:

  • Upgrade your Crafting Bench early: This unlocks the Uncommon Forest Axe recipe.
  • Mark Caves on your Map: Makes revisiting them for more Knotroot easier.
  • Build Stairs: Reach high-up Knotroot by crafting temporary wooden stairs.
  • Beware Cave Dwellers: Be cautious of enemies while mining, especially in deeper cave sections.

What is Knotroot used for?

Knotroot is used to make a variety of different items in Lego Fortnite, including:

  • Uncommon Pickaxe: This pickaxe is used to mine marble, which is another important resource in Lego Fortnite.
  • Uncommon Longsword: This sword is a decent weapon that can be used to take on enemies.
  • Knotwood Wood: This wood is used to upgrade your village to level 4.
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