New Persona 5 Trailer Possibly Leaked [Update]

[Update] Well, that was quick… The video has already been taken down by atlustube. But this could mean that the video will appear on its official page later, perhaps even today. In the meantime, you can watch a re-uploaded version on vidme (embedded above).

[Original] What seems to be an official trailer for Persona 5 has been posted on YouTube and embedded above. Note that this could be taken down at any moment.


This trailer reveals tidbits of the story, with the protagonist in a prison or at least a metaphorical one. At the end of the trailer, we see that he enters the Velvet Room and meets Igor for the first time while he is in prison and that, unlike both Persona 3 and 4, the demon he invokes seems to take over his body (more in line with the traditional SMT series).

Other observations:

– The cat uses a slingshot.

– You will be playing a student by day and thief by night (as I suspected).

– It would seem that some demons (particularly Norn) are disguising themselves as humans.

– Some levels will require you to move past obstacles (like swinging axes).

– Not sure who the man with blue hair painting the walls with red text at 1:43 is. My guess is that he could be one of the antagonists.


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