Negative Reactions to Devil’s Third Are Due to Poor Player’s Skill and GamePad, Says Itagaki

Devil's Third, an upcoming Wii U game directed by Tomonobu Itagaki that's been in production since 2008, has received critical reactions from the press in Europe: wonky hit detection, poor frame rates, and an irritating camera.

Itagaki, however, believes otherwise. According to a post he made on Facebook, he replied:


At last, I was be able to understand about the reactions.

Devil's Third is the game which reflects the player's skill directly/vividly.

This is truth.

A few days earlier, Itagaki also pointed at the Wii U GamePad as a reason for the poor reception, citing that the "four face buttons are positioned overcrowding," the two analog stick are "too far apart," and that it's "too heavy" for longtime use. He suggested that players should have used a Pro Controller with a USB keyboard instead, and he promised that "you can enjoy this MASSIVE shooter with 30 FPS."

I suppose it could be the case that the critics are playing it too quickly and didn't have enough time to learn the techniques for the game, but hit detection, frame rates, and camera issues don't seem to have much to do with player skill. That's just graphical execution in my book.

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