Neil Druckmann, the creative director for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, has received some controversial feedback on the ending of the game now that it's finished. According to an interview with IGN, he's not worried about this though:
I think people will discuss the ending. If focus tests are anything to go by, there will be some arguments about the ending. I'm excited. Indifference would be the worst thing. I would rather have people hate it than be indifferent to it. We'll see how they react.
So while fans will argue about the game's ending anyway (of course), I suppose we can expect that they will even more argumentative this time around. When probed further about Nathan Drake's fate, Druckmann says that "you don't really want me to tell you." Oh, you tease. We actually do want you to tell, but that would be very bad for you.
Regardless of how the audience reacts to the ending or even how the audience has reacted to the entire franchise, Druckmann remains steadfast in the direction and voice of Uncharted 4.
Any time you try to please something outside yourself, it can easily come off as false. Whenever we make something that's honest to us that is the game we truly want to play, you know whether you succeed or not.
Let's hope that means the ending isn't a cliffhanger. I mean, it's subtitled "A Thief's End" for a reason, not "A Thief's End, Sorta-Kinda-Made-Ya-Look." At the very least, I expect one character to die by the end of the game.
We'll know the full story by May 10 when it releases exclusively on PS4. In the meantime, you can check out Peter Paras's hands-on preview of the game from a recent Uncharted 4 event in LA.