Heavy Rain: Director’s Cut Out Novebmer 8th

Sony announced today via their PlayStation Blog that Heavy Rain, one of the earliest and highest held exclusives to the PS3 platform, would be getting rereleased this month in a Director's Cut pack.

The pack includes tons of content:

  • Complete, original, game Heavy Rain
  • Heavy Rain Chronicles: Episode 1 – The Taxidermist DLC
  • Heavy Rain Original Videogame Score by award-winning film and television composer, Normand Corbeil (16 tracks)
  • New front-end menu and interface with built-in Move support
  • A series of 8 "Making of" Bonus Videos
  • Three Dynamic Themes (Heavy Rain, Heavy Rain ARI Forest, Heavy Rain ARI Mars)
  • 15 additional pieces of new concept art
  • 2 bonus Trailers (Thank You Trailer, Love Trailer)

Whether you plan on picking up this new release or not, all PSN account holders can download a Heavy Rain dynamic theme for free on November 8th. The best part of all this? The game will only run you $29.99! Seems like I'll have to finally pick up a copy to play myself.

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