Uncharted: Golden Abyss Campaign Is 10+ Hours Long

The Uncharted series is very story-driven, usually taking anywhere between 8-10 hours to complete Nathan Drake and co.'s journey from start to finish. But that's on the PS3 using its massive Blu-ray storage. With Uncharted: Golden Abyss coming to the PlayStation Vitaa handheldcan the same size story be told?

Golden Abyss developer Sony Bend says yes. The Uncharted for Vita developers told NowGamer that the game will last upwards of 10 or more hours, with over two hours of cinematics.

Do take this with a grain of salt, though, since most developers usually overestimate how long their games will take gamers to play through them.

If they do manage to keep the game around the same length as the PS3 Uncharted games, then Golden Abyss should very well be worth of the franchise namesake.

Our very own Blake Peterson says that Uncharted: Golden Abyss is "a must-have for all PS Vita owners".

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