New Darkstalkers Reportedly On The Way

Last month, Capcom registered a new Darkstalkers trademark. Now, a new rumor from VentureBeat says that a game is definitely in the works, in development since last year, with Yoshinori Ono leading the project.

All of this information comes from… DUN DUN DUN… an anonymous source! Geez, this anonymous source guy really gets around,

To this anonymous source's credit, he hit the nail on the head with some Resident Evil 6 stuff in January, so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt when he says that Darkstalkers 4, as he's calling it, is using a modified version of the Street Fighter X Tekken engine.

Attention all anonymous sources: Call me, I'd love some exclusive inside information… or do I just make that this up as I go? It shouldn't be too hard. I mean, a rumor about a Capcom series that is traditionally produced by Ono, using an engine that Ono's team created, coming right after a trademark is filed? Piece of cake.

I'll give it a shot. A new Call of Duty is in the works, releasing this fall. How'd I do?

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