Atlus Details Move Lists For Kanji, Chie, Yukiko And More In Persona 4: Arena

Atlus went and dumped 6 separate move list videos on us today for Persona 4: Arena. Below you'll find videos for Kanji, Chie, Yosuke, Yu, Yukiko, and Naoto. Each video also includes each character's massive final attack, a difficult move that requires a full bar. After all that saving, you will one-hit your opponent, at least in Chie's case, into the stratosphere.

Let's get to the videos:

Chie Satonaka: The Carnivore Who's Discarded Womanhood

As someone who's played Chun Li for quite sometime, I'm partial to Chie's kicks, but her move set is based more on quarter circles than turtle-charging.

Kanji Tatsumi: Bloodcurdling Beefcake

In the end I probably won't be able to resist Kanji's folding-chair weapons. How about that sandwich punch finisher?

Yosuke Hanamura: Captain Ressentiment

The guy I was playing against at E3 had been hogging the machine for three straight days. Naturally, he wiped the floor with me as Yosuke… so now I hate Yosuke.

Yu Narukami: Sister-Complex Kingpin of Steel

The protagonist heads into battle with his sword and Persona, but more importantly… ELIZABETH.

Yukiko Amagi: Unconquerable Snow Black

Yukiko's support moves seem to carry over nicely to Persona 4: Arena, but thank God for those Agi abilities too. I have to assume death-by-cherry-blossom is a painful way to go.

Naoto Shirogane: 2000-IQ Killjoy Detective

Naoto just might be my favorite fighting game character of all time, what with the highly technical counters and ability to just shoot your opponent in the face. Traps and richochet shots should certainly help you control the stage.
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