Fez Creators Won’t Fix Save-File Deleting Bug In Previous Patch

I am… a staunch critic of any game that takes years to release and still manages to do so with horrendous levels of game-breaking bugs and glitches. I don't give a shit how artsy-fartsy it is. Fez was sloppy, over-hyped, and its creator is a huge douche.

That's why I'm not at all surprised at Polytron's latest move. Rather than follow through and issue a new patch, Polytron is leaving the original patch up for consumers. That's the patch that includes a bug that deletes your save game. Here's creator Phil Fish's reasoning:

Because microsoft would charge us tens of thousands of dollars to re-certify the game.

And because as it turns out, the save file delete bug only happens to less than a percent of players. It's a shitty numbers game to be playing for sure, but as a small independent, paying so much money for patches makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

I would be much more understanding of your position as a "small independent" if you weren't running your mouth left and right, Fish. You should have had your shit straight in the beginning. You didn't, you tried to patch it, your patch was shitty, and now you're throwing your hands up in disgust over a policy YOU WERE FULLY AWARE OF WHEN YOU SIGNED YOUR LICENSING AGREEMENT.

Fish continues:

…especially when you consider the alternative. Had FEZ been released on steam instead of XBLA, the game would have been fixed two weeks after release, at no cost to us. And if there was an issue with that patch, we could have fixed that right away too!

Then why the fuck didn't you release it on Steam in the first place?

And if this is really about the money, how about the tens of thousands of dollars you've surely made in sales of your over-hyped, buggy, sloppy game?

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