Nintendo Talks Wii U Pro Controller, Designed To Accomodate Third Parties

While Nintendo's decision to create the Pro Controller for the Wii U seems fairly obvious, the Xbox-inspired control device has been a hot topic of discussion as of late, especially following a handful of poorly chosen words from industry analyst Michael Pachter. Did Nintendo really create the controller to appease Activision? Who knows? But one thing's for sure, the Big N was definitely motivated by third parties in general.

In an interview with Gameplanet, hardware producer Katsuya Eguchi explained that the Pro Controller was designed with the intention of making it easier for multi-platform games to come to the Wii U. “Adding a Pro controller may make it easier for multi-platform games to come out on the system,” he said, adding that “Wii remotes don’t have things like analog sticks. To make it as easy as possible to enjoy certain multiplayer experiences it was important to have that Pro controller.”

Eguchi went on to say that this decision was also motivated by the desire to appease the hardcore gaming crowd. “We’re all gamers as well and we appreciate the interest of those [hardcore] gamers, and we don’t want them to feel left out, so we’re making big strides and changes in that area.” 

So what do you think? Does the Pro Controller have you drinking Nintendo's Wii U flavored Kool-Aid?


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