Hotline Miami Creator Shows Understanding Toward Piracy, Wins Gamer Respect

Instead of showing the usual contempt that developers have for piracy, Hotline Miami's creator has embraced it.

Within the comments section of The Pirate Bay, Jonatan Soderstrom (operating under username cactus69) has offered helpful guidance to users having issues with the game's early state. To some, it came across as promoting piracy, but he followed up with a full statement on his Twitter account:

I don't really want people to pirate Hotline Miami, but I understand if they do. I've been broke the last couple of months. It sucks.

He added:

And I definitely want people to experience the game the way it's meant to be experienced. No matter how they got a hold of it.

Jonatan's understanding has won over quite a few gamers, and reasonably so. Typically, companies do everything in their power to shoot down piracy, even at the expense of the paying consumer's experience.

If you're even remotely close to considering the purchase of Hotline Miami—and early impressions are extremely positive—why not buy the game? You'd not only be supporting a small company that worked day and night to develop it, but you'd also show your support for this new wave of developer that sees piracy from the gamer's perspective.

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