Ubisoft CEO Voices Disappointment Over Wii U Pricing

In a recent interview with GamesIndustry International, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot shares his disappointment with the Wii U price. Ubisoft has been one of the Wii U's biggest third-party supporters, but apparently one thing they can't fully support is the price. Namely, they believe that Nintendo will have to lower the price of the console.

"I always prefer lower pricing, so I can't say I'm happy," Guillemot said. "I'm never happy when the machines are expensive. What we have to do there is remember that compared to an iPad, it's cheap. With what it brings [to the gaming table] it's cheap. But I hope they'll be able to drop their price in time."

Sounds like he's afraid of another 3DS situation, or worse, Vita situation. Obviously, Nintendo won't be dropping its price now, especially with the launch this weekend. Most likely, they will wait and see how well it does during the launch weekend and throughout the holidays before making a price cutting decision. If they end up slashing the price after the first of the year due to poor sales, however, Guillemot can be left with an, "I told you so." Somehow I doubt that will give him much satisfaction.

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