Gilbert: Telltale’s The Walking Dead Proves Adventure Games Can Appeal To The Masses

Game designer Ron Gilbert believes that adventure games can have mass market appeal, and points to Telltale's The Walking Dead as a prime example.

Speaking to PC Gamer, Gilbert explained that if you can create an adventure game that is accessible to a wide range of consumers, the gaming public will eat it up. “I think, with The Walking Dead, it’s kind of proof of the mass marketing of adventure games,” he said.

“Things like Sam & Max are wonderfully fabulous games, but they’re a little nichey in a way. But I think The Walking Dead really proved that there’s a large number of people out there who, if you build a game that’s accessible to them – build an adventure game that’s accessible to them – they will just flock to it,” he added.

For years, many have argued that traditional adventure games are but a thing of the past, but with the success of Telltale's latest effort, that no longer appears to be the case. Could we be witnessing a revival of this genre? I sure hope so!


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