Capcom has brought back the Unity Point system on the company's community website, Capcom-Unity, and along with it, loads and loads of free game and prizes that will be given away every weekday until the end of 2013. That's a lot of prizes!
Registered users on the Capcom-Unity can earn Unity Points by contributing to the site in various ways like joining game Groups, posting in the forums or in comment threads, writing reviews, sending in fan art, and more. (Huh, should GR do something similar? *strokes chin*) Collect enough points and you can trade those in for raffles with swanky prizes, like a trio of Mega-Man comics (pictures above) or, just in today, a free PS3 copy of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Visit Capcom-Unity for further details and check back every weekday there to find out what new giveaway Capcom has in store.