Pre-Order Bioshock Infinite On Steam For Free Games, TF2 Hats

Steam has updated their preorder offer for Bioshock Infinite with a new drive that increases the bounty of goodies as more buyers pile on. In fact, Irrational and 2K Games are even offering free copies of the original BioShock and the fantastic X-COM: Enemy Unknown if enough gamers put their cash down before release.

Of course, X-COM, the real piece of silver in this mess of free junk, is the final preorder tier. Preorders will have to climb past the original BioShock tier and the Infinite-themed TF2 hats tier before finally coughing up that sweet-sweet alien-stomping strategy game.

I don't think my current computer can handle BioShock Infinite's sky-high beauty, but if $60 buys me two BioShocks, some hats, and X-COM, it might be worth it. It's not like I actually play any games in my Steam library anyway.

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