Duke Nukem Forever Demo Arrives June 3 (But Probably Not For You)

2K Games and Gearbox Software just announced that the demo for Duke Nukem Forever will be available June 3, but only for those who have First Access. Remember that? The coupon code that came with Borderlands GOTY? That game that came out seven months ago on October 12th? Yeah, even I had to look that one up.

As (un)excited as I am about this, the promotion still makes my brain hurt, because it essentially rewards people who wait and don't pay full price for the GOTY version, compared to real fans who purchased the original Borderlands (on the console, not on Steam) and every darn piece of DLC the first day they came out, for a grand total of over $100. Whatever happened to loyalty and common sense?

Anyway, some people have already played the demo at PAX and I'm sure even more people will get their chance to play even more of Duke Nukem Forever at E3. So I can't get too pissed of. I mean, the game is actually coming out. I hope. Maybe.

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