Heavy Rain Cost $21 Million To Develop, Was Extremely Profitable

Heavy Rain might be unique, but that doesn't mean it can't make the same profit margins as the big boys.

During the Digital Dragons Festival, Quantic Dream co-CEO Guillaume de Fondaumiere uncovered Heavy Rain's budget and total revenue. He said:

Sony earned more than €100 million with this game. It's very profitable.

He mentioned moments earlier that Heavy Rain costed in the realm of €16.7 million (around $21.9 million U.S. Dollars) to create. In today's video game industry that's not far from the average production cost. Heavy Rain's motion capturing and voice acting techniques were reasons behind the game's motion picture sized budget.

The whole point of Guillaume de Fondaumiere's message is to show that innovation in the gaming industry can be thoroughly profitable. Lately, developers have been afraid of wandering off the beaten path in fear of failure. It's a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone, but gamers are beginning to be a little more adventurous. Slowly-evolving games like Call of Duty and Madden continue to drive unbelievably high profits, but the few daring titles that manage to make it through their difficult development cycles with great experiences to show for it have the opportunity to both stand out and make the huge bucks.

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