PlanetSide 2 To Introduce User-Created Objectives

In its current state PlanetSide 2 teamwork is all about being yelled at and obeying orders. In other words, it's a lot like being in military boot camp,  but who wants to experience that when they're just trying to relax with some video games during the weekend?

In come user-created objectives allowing squad and platoon leaders to assign small missions for their groups to carry out. Objectives are highlighted both on the map and in the game world making them easy to follow after being administered.

Examples of objectives are below:

Air Strikes at location

XP bonus to ground kills/assists while in aircraft at this location

Greatly increased gunner XP bonus (for Lib Pilots)

Greatly increased XP bonus for Sunderer kills

Deployment to location

Large XP increase to deploy-bonuses

Large XP increase to AMS spawn bonuses

XP bonus for repairs to any deployment vehicle (Galaxy & Sunderer)

XP bonus to squad-deploy bonuses

Increased weight on Instant-action values

SOE recently added the lattice system to make combat flow into more concentrated objective areas. Along with the upcoming addition of user-created objectives PlanetSide 2 will no longer be so overbearing for group play; leaders can sacrifice their grunts for the greater good without as many headaches.

The update containing this fine addition as well as many game adjustments will be released in August.


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