Riot Games

Riot Games throws shade at Blizzard in 10th anniversary stream

Riot Games announced a boatload of new projects last night for the League of Legends 10th Anniversary, but it did more than simply announce nearly a half-dozen new games. Aside from stating that the League of Legends game mode Teamfight Tactics would be spun off into its own standalone title, it also took the time to throw some shade at Blizzard Entertainment.

“From the moment we launched TFT, players have been asking for a mobile version of the game,” a portion of the video announcement stated. “It turns out, you guys actually do have phones. So by popular demand, we’ve announced Teamfight Tactics as its own separate app for iOS and Android devices.”

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If this reference flew over your head, think back to the Diablo Immortal announcement that took place at last year’s Blizzcon. Blizzard Entertainment’s Wyatt Cheng told the audience that the game would only be for mobile devices, a statement that provoked an irate reaction. He responded with an off-the-cuff question: “Do you guys not have phones?” Unsurprisingly, this was memed half to death for some time afterward. Nearly a year later, and Riot Games has responded to the 2018 Blizzcon gaffe with a dash of savagery while simultaneously announcing its own mobile game.

Previously, a beta registration page for a League of Legends mobile version had briefly appeared in China before quickly being taken down. This all but confirmed that one of the things Riot Games would announce during its anniversary stream was a version of League of Legends for iOS and Android. It may have come as a surprise to some, however, to see that Teamfight Tactics would be also be available on mobile devices. Even more surprising, it would be accessible through its own standalone app.

You can read more about the mobile version of Teamfight Tactics at the game’s official website. See Riot’s Blizzard burn for yourself in the video below.

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