Major Nelson: “Xbone” Nickname Is Disrespectful

Ever since the Xbox One was first announced, gamers across the globe have been quick to adopt a comical (and rather stupid) nickname for Microsoft's next-gen gaming machine, calling it the Xbone. Xbox spokesman Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb doesn't particularly appreciate the name, going so far as to say it disrespects the team at MS who worked on the device.

Over on NeoGAF, Hyrb shared his stance on the nickname, saying:

I don’t like it…it disrespects the teams that have put in thousands of hours (already) into the development of the product. Sure, it’s cheeky but I don’t care for it myself.

To be perfectly honest, I don't care for it in the slightest either, but hey, it's the internet and people will be quick to poke fun not matter what. Do you think Major Nelson is overreacting to the nickname, or is the Xbone moniker inappropriate? Let us know in the comments below.

[NeoGAF, via Pixel Enemy]

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