Nintendo Confident Wind Waker HD Will Be A Wii U System Seller

Nintendo has been struggling in the home console department ever since it launched the Wii U last year. Sadly, a bit of marketing confusion and an overall lack of compelling software has held it back from being the success the company was hoping it'd be.

However, a number of exciting titles on the horizon hope to turn things around for Nintendo, including The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. In fact, a newly discounted console bundle complete with a digital version of the game is now available for purchase.

The Big N believes that this upgraded GameCube adventure will prove to be the system seller the tablet-centric console so desperately needs right now. "It is the perfect time for Zelda fans to discover Wii U," product manager Roger Langford explained. "For many Zelda fans, this is the first time that they’ll discover Wind Waker and we’re treating the game as a triple-A new release."

Langford then went on to cite prior success with a certain Zelda remake on 3DS, saying, "Ocarina of Time 3D performed positively on Nintendo 3DS and we’re looking to replicate this success with The Wind Waker HD."

Do you think Wind Waker has the same kind of selling power as Ocarina of Time? Let us know in the comments below.


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