3DS Has Overtaken Wii In Lifetime Sales (Japan)

With this week's Media Create numbers just rolling in, we can now confirm that the Nintendo 3DS has surpassed the mighty Wii in lifetime sales in Japan.

Powered in part by the recent release of Monster Hunter 4, the 3DS sold nearly 160,000 units in Japan this past week, pushing it to about 12,753,000 in total. The Wii has sold about 12,699,000 units to date, including 965 this past week. It's got a long way to go before it matches its Nintendo handheld elders, however, as the original DS and the Game Boy (including Color upgrade) sold over 32 million units each in Japan. The Wii-U currently sits around 1,078,000.

The full hardware sales read like this:

3DS – 159,388

PS3 – 10,749

WIU – 5,824

PSV – 5,155

PSP – 5,082

WII  – 965

360 – 610

Proportionally, the Xbox 360 sales are shooting through the roof, which should make Microsoft Japan quite satisfied.

3DS momentum is likely to keep up, with Pokemon coming next month, followed by the holiday shopping mania that is the year's end.


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