Fake Valorant Twitch streams

Fake Valorant Twitch streams are finally banned

Fake Valorant Twitch streams have finally been banned by the video streaming platform. If you’ve been bamboozled by one of these Valorant streams promising that you’d get drops, you won’t want to worry about it happening anymore.

If you haven’t been following Riot’s newest first-person shooter Valorant, you might not know how the beta system works. Essentially, the only way to get a key is through the Twitch Drops system. In this case, beta keys are randomly distributed to people who are watching qualifying streams.

ALSO: How to know if you received a Valorant key

Some of the less ethical Twitch streamers out there have taken advantage of the hype to inflate their view counts. According to Twitch, some creators would run VODs of past Valorant streams while tagging the video as “Live,” tricking people into thinking they were eligible for drops when they actually were not.

This is now against Twitch’s ToS in order to protect the integrity of the Drops Program. This appears to be the new rule in place:

Cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points systems)

No exact penalty is specified, but presumably, creators who violate this new rule by falsely presenting VODs as live videos would get temporarily suspended from the service.

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