Wait Awkwardly At Starbucks With Your Nintendo 3DS For National StreetPass Weekend

Nintendo has dubbed December 14th and December 15th National StreetPass Weekend for all Nintendo 3DS users, big and small, awkward and cool, New Yorker or Californian. Essentially, Nintendo is turning Nintendo Zone wifi hotspots all around the country to 11 to make sure everyone gets a StreetPass.

While metropolitan areas or folks who work with a lot of other gamers probably have plenty of friendly Miis in their StreetPass Plaza, others like consumers in America probably haven't met many other gamers through 3DS.

StreetPass Weekend will send the socially awkward among us out to public places in droves. Starbucks, McDonalds, Barnes & Noble, GameStop and other major retailers have Nintendo Zone wifi waiting for you and your 3DS to walk by this weekend.

The video above explains the event in greater detail, but let us know if you've got a new Nintendo 3DS in the comments and let your fellow commenters know if they should look for your Mii out there in the ether this weekend.

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