Beyond Good and Evil 2 Release Date

Beyond Good and Evil 2 Release Date ‘Probably Another Couple of Years Away,’ Says Insider

The Beyond Good and Evil 2 release date has been speculated to arrive in 2014 or 2015, despite the game being in development hell for over a decade. According to footage and gameplay of the game seen by known insider Tom Henderson, he believes that it’s still “probably another couple of years away,” but at the very least Ubisoft is not abandoning the project. What’s a few more years for a game that’s been in various stages of development for about fifteen?

Beyond Good and Evil 2 gameplay and playtests analyzed

Beyond Good and Evil 2 Release Date

Henderson’s projection of the Beyond Good and Evil 2 release date is partially based on various sources who were part of recent external playtests of the game. Several sources also provided him with various screenshots and gameplay footage, though under the condition that they wouldn’t be shared to the public. Compared to other footage released by Ubisoft in late 2018, the gameplay has been overhauled since then, from what he can discern.

It is also reported that the sources felt the game was “years away,” but that the game currently “lacks direction,” with one stating that they had “no idea what I was doing when playing.” Based on this, it would seem that the game is still in early prototyping phases, which falls in line with the fact that Sarah Arellano only recently joined developer Ubisoft Montpellier as lead writer (thank you, sister site PlayStationLifestyle). Hopefully, the former narrative designer for Blizzard will be able to give some narrative backbone to the sequel, especially since the original game had a very strong story.

Over the last fifteen years, Beyond Good and Evil 2’s development has faced controversy with crowdsourcing with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s hitRECord, promised a beta in 2019 that never came to fruition, and saw original director Michel Ancel leave in 2020 during an investigation of allegedly toxic behavior. That said, Ubisoft is no stranger to games in development hell, as the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake was moved from Ubisoft Pune to Ubisoft Montreal back in May this year.

In other news, Cult of the Lamb on Steam reached over 61,000 concurrent users on launch day, and the Genshin Impact 3.0 livestream date and time have been confirmed.

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