[Update: False Alarm] Xbox Exec Teasing New Sakaguchi RPG for Xbox One

[Update] Phil Spencer has since clarified on Twitter, saying that he was just kidding.

"I was joking, he said to humor him," he explained, adding, "I like Sakaguchi-san, doing BD and LO was really great. Apologies again if I created anticipation. I haven’t talked MW in awhile."

[Original] Hironobu Sakaguchi, the "father" of the Final Fantasy series and head of JRPG developer Mistwalker, may very well be making a new title for Xbox One.

The following Twitter conversation between a fan and Microsoft's Phil Spencer leads us to believe we may hear about it as early as next week.


Miswalker is responsible for the Xbox 360-exclusive role-playing game Lost Odyssey, which is arguably one of the best JRPGs of last generation. I don't know about you, but I'm really hoping we'll get a sequel.

[Via NeoGAF]

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