Many gamers, including myself, have lamented the fact that every Xbox One comes bundled with the Kinect. Microsoft is pushing its motion-sensing, voice-recognizing peripheral hardcore, and has no intention of letting up.
"[A Kinect-less Xbox One] is not in our plans at all," Xbox UK marketing chief Harvey Eagle told Eurogamer. "As we've said from the very beginning, we believe Kinect is an absolutely integral part of the Xbox One experience."
The company is sticking to its guns with this one, even though it puts Xbox One at a price disadvantage when compared to PlayStation 4. The Big M believes the value of Kinect is worth the higher price tag.
"Look at all the thousands and thousands of game clips that have been posted by gamers to Upload Studio, of their gaming highlights, captured by speaking the words 'Xbox record that', which has already become part of Xbox vocabulary," Eagle added. "It's a really great example of how Kinect makes the experience on Xbox One even better."
Do you think Microsoft should offer a Kinect-less option for those of us that don't want the camera?