Xbox One Controller Will Be PC-Compatible… Eventually

Rumors have been circulating that Microsoft would not make the existing Xbox One controller compatible with PC, as the Xbox 360 controller is (and which I use for many games on PC). But Albert Penello, Microsoft Director of Product Planning, has swooped into the fray to correct the masses specifically on NeoGAF:

This is 100% wrong. When the drivers become available, they will work with the existing controllers. There is no plan to do a new, separate controller that only works on Windows. It will be the same as it is on Xbox 360 – the Xbox One controller you have today will work.

That's not to say that we may not ship also PC SKU of the Xbox One controller, much like we do on Xbox 360.

The rumor even goes as far as to claim that a dongle would be required for the Xbox One controller to work properly with the PC. Not necessarily, says Mr. Penello:

No. The controller (in wired mode) will work as-is. 

How wireless will/could work is TBD. There are some options we are looking at. 

No more updates on the timeframe beyond what's been publicly stated – the plan is this year. 

When the update comes out and we have more details, I can explain the holdup.

Microsoft is considering a dongle, however, in the case of wireless play:

NeoGAF (Chettlar): Hey, quick question, are you guys considering a dongle so we can play wirelessly on our PCs (like with the 360)? Is that a possibility in the future?

Albert Penello: Yes, we're looking into some options. First order is getting the wired controller working.

Well, I guess I'll be using the Xbox One controller soon then. Let's see if some people start making mods that take advantage of those sensitive trigger buttons.

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