Mass Effect Movie Gets Comic-Con Panel

I love going to the movies. It's great to sit in an air-conditioned building with speakers blasting at you and a gigantic screen blaring explosions and stuff directly at your face. Ahhh, just wonderful. Now imagine Commander Shepard blasting Geth on the big screen. You've got Garrus's ugly mug telling you he's in the middle of calibrations and Tali steaming up her mask every time Shepard's around. Sounds cool, right?

Maybe not quite yet, but hopefully Legendary Pictures can get us there when they march Mass Effect visionary Casey Hudson and screenwriter Mark Protosevich. You might know Protosevich as the writer of I Am Legend and this summer's stormy Thor movie. Legendary is describing Protosevich's role as that of one "adapting the game to film".

Mass Effect is already damn cinematic, but for a series as beloved as ME is, it's going to take a lot of work. We'll get a bit more information at Comic-Con, but even the fact that this panel is happening is exciting enough.


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