GTA Online Adds New Christmas-Themed Vehicles, Apparel, and Weapons

If you're still exploring Los Santos, Blaine County, and the entire San Andreas continent available in Grand Theft Auto V, you may want to check your list twice to see if anyone else in the lobby has been naughty or nice.

Rockstar Games sent word today that the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 versions of GTA Online have updated to include new holiday-themed gear. Here's the list in short order:

  • Players can own up to three properties with 30 stored cars and 9 stored bicycles.
  • Other fixes have been applied to controls and matchmaking.
  • Holiday-themed Homing Missle Launcher and Proximity Mines have been added to Ammu-Nation.
  • Snow will hit San Andreas and allow for snowball fights.
  • Christmas sweaters, scarves, hats, masks, and more holiday-themed apparel is available for free through January 5th.
  • The Hot Rod Christmas Ratloader, Slam Van, Massacro, and Jester vehicles are available with new liveries.
  • Holiday Special Crate Drops will appear frequently between now and January 5th.
  • Check your GTA Online apartment on December 25th for a few extra gifts.
  • Firework Launcher and firework ammunition will return in time for New Years celebrations.

For more information on Grand Theft Auto V, read our original review and our review of the next-generation console version.

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