Long Live Play: Let’s Speculate

Sony is planning something for October 5th. That much has been made evident by the trailer above. It's got the entire collective of Sony fanboys in an uproar around the 'net, speculating on what it could be. We've seen and heard it all, from a new game announcement, to the second coming of Christ (oh wait… that's Kevin Butler). Now it's time for GR to get in on the action.

Revamped PSN

This has been rumored for a while, and honestly, it's needed. The PSN, more so the PlayStation Store, is bland and generally unappealing. It's hindered by it's own blocky layout which can mean going through a five or more menus to locate what you're looking for. 

Pretty much everything about it could use an overhaul. Give us a auto-complete when using the search functionality. Come up with something that's more intuitive and flashy. You do want to sell me your products, right Sony?

And don't even get me started on the "download history". If I'm looking for a game I downloaded in 2007, I have to scroll for 35 minutes through 4,000 demos, DLC and game downloads. Can we get some folders? Some sort of breakdown by year? By month? Shit, even give us a search function there. It's practically useless.

An old rumor said that a revamp was coming and would function similar to iMDB in the sense that when you selected an item, it would allow easy navigation to similar content, and you could browse it by genre, publisher, developer, or series. "Yes, please!" is pretty much all I can say to that. 

This one's too easy, though.

Cross Game Chat

We know Sony already said that Cross Game Chat wasn't possible on the PlayStation 3 due to memory constraints. But maybe, just maybe, they figured out a way. This is probably just wishful thinking. 

PSN Social Service

The PlayStation brand is deeply integrated into the social scene, despite not having the most social networks. PlayStation is one of the most "liked" brands on Facebook, has a massive Twitter following, and even does pretty well on Youtube. Could it be that Sony will finally take that social acceptance to the PlayStation 3? Hmmm…

PSN Tournaments

If you remember, Sony mentioned that they were looking for the "Ultimate PlayStation Gamer". They could find that person who is without-a-doubt, the best of the best, ultimately awesome PlayStation gamer through a series of tournaments. Many will enter, few will win.

PlayStation Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros. and its sequels are instant win. And while the combat is the real star, the initial draw is getting all of those iconic characters in one place for just one thing: to kick each other's asses. But these are Nintendo characters we're talking about. We love 'em, but they're not what I'd consider "tough", "badass", or "capable of hurting anything". Sony's key franchises on the other hand, are chock full o' rockstars from Mars. Getting the likes of Kratos together with the Killzone Helghast or what's his name from Resistance 3, would be a bloodbath born in heaven. Even the cuter, cuddly characters, like Ratchet and Clank would fit well due to their unique weaponry. Crash Bandicoot, too, but only because I despise that piece of shit and I'd want to murder him in-game.

The trailer showed bits and pieces of each of these characters throughout the video, although in a very subtle way, if you blinked, you could miss it. Hell even if you were staring right at it you could miss it. Could they be teasing some sort of collaboration between all of Sony's characters? Let's hope so. Here's the breakdown of what's shown in the video and each instances timestamp, go ahead back up to the top and play the video again to see what I'm talking about.

0:13 – Killzone Helghast eyes in the background

0:16 – Resistance siren

0:22 – Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal's theme and truck

0:26 – MK II from Metal Gear Solid 4

0:30 – Wall poster with various PSOne classics

0:35 – Prize bubble from LittleBigPlanet

0:39 – Weapons from key Sony franchises like Ratchet and Clank

0:51 – Kratos

Bet ya didn't catch those the first time. Luckily, I have the ocular acuity of an eagle gene-spliced with a Navy SEALs Sniper. 

Of course all of that could mean something else entirely. Like…

PlayStation 4 Announcement

Now we're just getting silly. But so is the rest of the internet. Since this video popped up earlier this week, we've seen forum threads and tweets talking about the PlayStation 4.

No. Just no. This isn't happening, but we wanted it on our list because hey, we can't let other people beat us in this pissing contest we just started. Haters gon' hate. Speculators gon' speculate.

That's all we got… for now. That said, I'd love to see all the ludicrous ideas you guys can conjure up. Let us know what you think it is in the comments below. If anyone is right, I'll send you something PlayStation related.

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