Gaming PC of the Month: Tankski’s Gaming and Programming Station

This month we have a special new PC build to share with you. We’re going to be having a short chat with Tankski, a PC gamer and software developer hailing from the one of the oldest towns located within the United Kingdom. He is particularly experienced with building computers and recently spent some time putting together this build, which is composed of high-class liquid cooling, the hottest graphics card on the market, and a vivid 4K monitor to seal the deal.

GameRevolution: How long have you been building PCs? How did you get started?

Tankski: I’ve been building PCs for just around 8 years. Most of those that I’ve built have been my own, though I have built a few for friends and family.

GR: What are the specs of your new PC?

T: The PC is as follows:


GR: How did you decide which components to purchase?

T: Since I’m a software developer and CompSci postgrad student, I opted to build a PC with 8 cores and 32GB of RAM – enter the Ryzen R7 1700. I’m also an avid gamer and would like to make the most of my 4k screen, and thus opted to run with a GTX 1080Ti. The rest of the components were chosen because of colour scheme matching, optimum compatibility or value for money.

GR: What is your favorite part of your PC setup?

T: I’m very pleased about how the cable sleeving colour scheme has come out – I thought the purple sleeve wouldn’t be such a nice shade of purple.

GR: What was the first game you played to test your new hardware? Have you run benchmarks?

T: I played The Witcher 3. Compared to my old PC, this machine is blazingly fast – 3D Mark reports a 2x increase in benchmark performance.

GR: What is your most anticipated PC game?

T: Right now I’m waiting for Destiny 2. I enjoy FPS and RPGs such as Destiny and Borderlands, and I am excited to see Bungie developing for the PC platform!

GR: What are some things you enjoy doing on your PC outside of gaming?

T: I enjoy programming and being a sports photographer. I also enjoy the speed that the PC provides when editing photos in Adobe Lightroom.

Thank you Tankski for sharing your PC with us!

Next month we will have another high-end PC for you to feast your eyes on, so be sure to check back.

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