Cross-Play Podcast Episode 7: Sony vs Microsoft Battle Royale

Detroit Become Human has divided critics and players with its not so subtle take on human — sorry, ANDROID rights issues and divisive approach to its tale of robot slavery. The Cross-Play team has got some thoughts on Quantic Dream’s latest release that go against the grain of its critics’ thoughts, with Paul, Chandler, Jason, and Cameron offering their take on the controversy, along with the allegations made against developer Quantic Dream.

The Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and Battlefield 5 reveals are also up for discussion, with the implementation of battle royale and a revitalized Zombies mode in CoD both dividing and pleasing the podcast. Oh, and Overwatch 2? You can get out of here with that sequel talk, Blizzard, because Paul hasn’t had his fill of the original game yet.

The team also discusses the probability of the PS5 being unveiled anytime soon, after Sony CEO John Kodera recently hinted towards a 2021 launch date. The Xbox One is also on the chopping block, as Cross-Play discusses what Microsoft has to do to catch up to Sony in the future. Could E3 2018 be the year in which Microsoft finally makes announcements that turn around the Xbox One’s fortunes? Or will it be a dud for Microsoft and leave Xbox One owners with another year of few exclusives?

Take a look below at the variety of ways you can listen to the Cross-Play podcast, from iTunes through to SoundCloud and YouTube. Also, be sure to check back next Tuesday when the Cross-Play folks will be hosting their last podcast before the craziness of E3 2018 hits, and will once again be providing a rundown of the week’s biggest news stories.

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