West Virginia Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76

I’m beside myself with excitement for Fallout 76, but not merely because it’s another Fallout title. I grew up outside of Ironton, OH, a small town near Huntington, WV. Throughout my childhood, I took many trips to and through West Virginia, slowly absorbing its culture, intricacies, and landscapes. As such, Fallout 76 is not an escape or getaway; it’s a cultural exchange. It’s a way for us locals to adventure in digital versions of the world we already know, and to share it with those less informed. As somewhat of a West Virginia native, I’m here to provide an insider perspective and showcase a few locations I’d like to see in Fallout 76.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: The West Virginia/Kentucky/Ohio Tri-State

Fallout 76 Ashland, KY
Image Credit: Crunchy_Numbers/Wikimedia Commons

Huntington is the most well-known city in the West Virginia/Ohio/Kentucky Tri-State area, but the community flows between state lines. High school kids flit between towns across all three states, perhaps going to school in Ironton but spending their Saturday nights in Huntington. The larger world may not know, but the whole area is a package deal. The Ohio River is obviously in Fallout 76, but it’d be even more exciting if some of its surrounding areas and culture are included.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Camden Park

Fallout 76 Camden Park
Image Credit: West Virginia Collection within the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

Going hand-in-hand with the Tri-State area is Camden Park, a tiny amusement park located on the outskirts of Huntington, WV. Though its old age and small stature can make it the butt of many jokes, its rides and attractions really do hold a special place in the hearts of many nearby citizens. This is thanks to its popularity as a school field trip. Most kids in the area from all three states have had their turn on its wooden coaster, the Big Dipper. Camden Park is kind of an obscure, niche location, which is why I’m surprised that it’s already been shown in Fallout 76. Trust me, the Twitter-sphere here is thrilled, and the park alone may be selling the area on Bethesda’s latest.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Marshall University

Fallout 76 Marshall University
Image Credit: Wvfunnyman/Wikimedia Commons

Marshall University is likely the landmark most firmly planted in people’s minds outside of the area. This is due to the biopic “We Are Marshall,” filmed in Huntington, WV and starring Matthew McConaughey, or perhaps because of the tragedy the film is based on. Either way, Marshall is firmly in the public’s mindspace, yet most have no idea what it’s like to stand on its campus. It’s hard not to feel excited for the future when standing in front of the admissions office — even if the University only takes up a few blocks. Fallout 76 might depict the Marshall’s Memorial Student Center Fountain as more run-down than it currently is, but I’m sure its sight will give off the same sense of somber pride.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Point Pleasant

Fallout 76 Mothman
Image Credit: Erica Minton/Flickr

Point Pleasant is a quaint town on the Ohio River, with one main contribution to the outside world: the Mothman. While the cryptid has always been somewhat of a folktale in the surrounding region (due to some creepy abandoned TNT factories), those stories kind of took off in the late 60s. While the 1967 collapse of Point Pleasant’s Silver Bridge was an architectural accident, it was attributed to the Mothman. Henceforth known to, “appear just before tragedy strikes,” Mothman grew into a celebrity over the next few decades. Point Pleasant is now home to a Mothman museum and holds an annual Mothman Festival. Since Bethesda confirmed that many new monsters in Fallout 76 will be based on West Virginian lore, it’s almost certain that Point Pleasant will be included and completely decked out in Mothman memorabilia.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Snowshoe Mountain

Fallout 76 The Village at Snowshoe
Image Credit: Marvin Kuo/Wikimedia Commons

Many people believe West Virginia is filled with dark, wooded towns and coal mines. This couldn’t be further from the truth! The Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort is one example of the variety of climates and atmospheres in the state. It’s a wintry resort situated in the Allegheny Mountains, as the name implies. It’s already known that Fallout 76 will include Charleston. Snowshoe isn’t terribly far from Charleston, and judging by the Special Edition map that Bethesda has shown off, it should end up in the game. It’ll be exhilarating to make the climb and look for the resort–or even try to ski!

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Tamarack

Fallout 76 Tamarack
Image Credit: harry_nl/Flickr

Tamarack can be a little difficult to describe, although it’s a fascinating spot. Adorned with tall, pointy, red peaks across its roof, it acts as a sort of tourist, cultural information center with a few different attractions. From small shops and a restaurant to small galleries and community gatherings, Tamarack is the perfect place to start learning about West Virginia. It’s only fitting that it could be in Fallout 76, as it’d be an excellent spot for collectibles, exhibits, and educational knick-knacks.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: New River Gorge Bridge

Fallout 76 New River Gorge
Image Credit: mr_t_77/Flickr

The New River Gorge Bridge is a giant, steel arch bridge that sits at a surprising height above its namesake valley and river. It can be seen in a few existing clips of Fallout 76, but we’re not sure how explorable the gorge itself will be. Because though the sheer size and architecture of the bridge are impressive, the valley around it is intriguing too. It’s a popular hiking and sightseeing spot, from its lush forests to the New River itself. The whole area is a perfect example of just how beautiful West Virginia can be. Even in the apocalypse, I’m confident that pristine nature could be magnificent. It’d be enjoyable to get lost in…while killing a few radroaches.

Locations We Want to See in Fallout 76: Thurmond, WV

Fallout 76 Thurmond
Image Credit: Dennis Church/Flickr

Thurmond is impressive (ironically) for one simple reason: according to the 2010 US Census, it was home to precisely five people. Thurmond’s a ghost town, and much of it is preserved as a national park. At one point, it was an average, bustling city based around coal mining. Driving through its current emptiness is a little surreal and offputting–the perfect atmosphere for a post-nuclear war setting. I’ll be honest: I just want to see some sort of coal mining town, not specifically Thurmond. But it’ll be interesting to see if Fallout 76’s alternate history might repurpose these ghost villages for Nuka-Cola or Vault-Tec. If nothing else, Thurmond’s inclusion will surely give us a chance to explore some abandoned mines nearby.

Are you on board with our location wishlist? Any other interesting locales you’d like to see in Fallout 76? Let us know in the comments below!

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