GameRevolution’s Top 25 Wii Games

With Nintendo's new console now sitting happily on store shelves, it's safe to say the era of the Wii has officially come to an end. As we welcome the next generation with open arms, we can't help but look back on these last several years and smile. While yes, the Wii primarily catered to a casual audience, it was home to some of the very best gaming experiences of the last six years. It was an underpowered machine—even at its launch—but it still managed to wow the world with both motion control and some killer game experiences. As such, the GR staff has put together a list of the best games to ever grace Nintendo's revolutionary box.

Note: This list reflects the opinions of the GR staff at large. So if you're looking to pick a fight, you better be ready to take on all of us. But be warned, Mr. Tan is pretty accurate with a shuriken.

25. Kirby's Return to Dream Land

While Epic Yarn was a unique departure for the franchise, it didn't have the same charm of the originals. Fortunately, the Wii still got a classic Kirby experience with Kirby's Return to Dream Land. With the same great gameplay you've come to know and love from prior entries in the series, the latest entry in the franchise is clearly a love letter to fans of the original games. Not only that, but there are loads of extra modes including multiplayer and all sorts of stuff to unlock. Return to Dream Land is a fantastic package that all Wii owners should check out. 

24. Mario Kart Wii

Ever since Mario started karting on the SNES, Nintendo's racer has become a staple for each subsequent console. Like every one of its predecessors, the entry on the Wii is an absolute blast to play. With an added (and completely optional) motion control option along with some killer new courses, you're bound to sink dozens and dozens of hours into this game. Rarely do gamers group up around the same television to compete against their friends nowadays, but Mario Kart Wii proves that its still one of the most enjoyable and engaging ways to play.

23. No More Heros 2: Desperate Struggle

The Wii is often criticized for not having enough mature, adult-themed games. The No More Heroes franchise is often one that people point to when arguing against that point, as these Suda51 games are far from family friendly. Between the two that launched on the Wii, Desperate Struggle offered the most insanely twisted—yet totally awesome—experience. In an industry dominated by corridor shooters and sports games, No More Heroes 2 is an absolute breath of fresh air. Just don't play this one around the kids.

22. Okami

Often referred to as Zelda with a wolf—ummm hello Twilight Princess?—Okami is one of the most highly revered action adventure games of the past ten years. While the Wii version of the game is actually a PS2 port, it features motion control support that takes the paintbrush mechanics to new levels of awesome. If you're looking for an enchanting adventure to tide you over until the release of the next Zelda, you really can't go wrong with Capcom's work of art.

21. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

The fourth installment in the Resident Evil franchise is inarguably one of the best GameCube games of all time, and its port to the Wii is just as awesome. While not quite as astounding as it was the first time around, Resident Evil 4 is still an incredible survival horror game and the added Wii functionality makes the gameplay mechanics slightly less cumbersome. Using the Wiimote to aim is surprisingly satisfying and serves as a great example as to why motion controls shouldn't be ignored. If you're looking to re-experience RE4 or perhaps jump into it for first time, you can't go wrong with the Wii version.


20. Mario Party 9

The latest version of Mario Party is one of the best party games that Nintendo's console has to offer. The production values are far better than anything we've seen in prior entries and the game's visuals are surprisingly good for a casual Wii game. Plus, the console's motion capabilities really add to the experience and allow for some truly engaging mini-games. This franchise truly feels like it was designed for the Wii and Mario Party 9 takes family room gaming to the next level.

19. WarioWare: Smooth Moves

Don't believe the haters, Smooth Moves is an absolute gem. This collection of insane mini-games will have you laughing with your friends for hours on end. It's a great showpiece for how the Wiimote works and its simple and straightforward implementation makes it easily accessible for just about everyone. If you're looking for an absurdly amusing time waster, look no further, WarioWare: Smooth Moves is the game for you.

18. Boom Blox

This block-based puzzle game is an absolute must for those looking to get the most out of Nintendo's motion-sensing technology. Boom Blox is almost like a virtual form of Jenga, where the player is tasked with rearranging or taking down a tower of blocks. To do so, you must use the Wiimote to throw, push and pull objects to accomplish your task. The presentation leaves a bit to be desired, but the incredibly accurate physics makes this an instantly rewarding and addictive experience to play with friends.

17. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

Who thought a challenging arcade shooter on the Wii could be so incredibly awesome? Treasure's Star Successor however, is just that. It's super fast, intense and downright difficult. If you're looking for a hardcore experience that challenges your dexterity and tests your reflexes, this installment of Sin & Punishment is just for you. You play as two kids who traverse various planets and square off against a number of monsters, so there's plenty of charm too. It's also a pretty gorgeous experience that stands out among Nintendo's library.

16. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

If you enjoy traditional adventure games, then you can't afford not to play Zack & Wiki. This enchanting puzzler tells the story of a boy and his monkey who are on a hunt for treasure, and as the player, it's your job to help them accomplish this mission. The puzzles are clever, the cel-shaded visuals are great, and there's just so much undeniable charm that it's impossible not to like this game. Seriously.



15. Punch-Out!!

Fans of the NES boxing classic will find much to love about Punch-Out!! on the Wii. Not only does it make excellent use of the Wiimote and nunchuck, it also supports the Wii balance board should players opt for the full body experience. Of course, if you'd like, you can play it just like you did years ago on the NES with a traditional control scheme as well. Beloved characters like Glass Joe and King Hippo are back, so much of the retro goodness from the old stays has carried over to the Wii, providing not only a challenging experience that will please longtime fans, but also newcomers looking to join the fight.

14. Super Paper Mario

For quite a while, the Paper Mario series stuck to a pretty formulaic structure since its inception on the Nintendo 64. It wasn't until the launch of Super Paper Mario that fans got a taste of what other kinds of experiences this series has to offer. This RPG-platformer hybrid succeeds in dipping into two very different genres and making it work. The controls are tight, the puzzles are fantastic, and the ability to switch between 2D and 3D makes for some pretty incredible experiences. Those looking for a Mario game that takes things outside the box can't afford to overlook this Wii gem.

13. Wii Sports

It would practically be a crime to omit this family-friendly sports game from our list. Wii Sports will go down in history as one of the most influential games of its time. Not only did it help create a serious amount of buzz for Nintendo, it also managed to appeal to just about every demographic on planet earth. Wii Sports proved that motion controls have a place in the industry and that games can cater to an incredibly wide audience. There's no doubt that if Wii Sports hadn't launched with the console, the system wouldn't have found nearly as much success. 

12. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

If you're a fan of strategy games, there's absolutely no excuse for you to miss out on Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Deep and engrossing gameplay? Check. Compelling narrative? Check. Classic turn-based gameplay? Check. For the longest time Nintendo refrained from bringing the Fire Emblem franchise to North America, but now that they have, it's hard to imagine a Nintendo console without it. 

11. The Last Story

Hironobu Sakaguchi, the man behind a little franchise called Final Fantasy, crafted one of the most amazing RPGs of this past generation with The Last Story. While it still looks very much like a traditional Japanese role-playing game, the new approach to combat makes it feel like a completely fresh and new experience. The story in great, the characters are memorable and the production values are top notch… for a Wii game. If you're looking for a polished RPG on the Wii that is worthy of your precious time, The Last Story is a no-brainer.



10. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Nintendo's hallmark 2D platforming series made a triumphant return to consoles with New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Even after 25 some odd years, the classic gameplay of Nintendo's side-scroller is still a blast to play. With the added ability to play with up to three additional friends at a time, this game quickly became one of the best couch co-op experiences of its time. If you're a glutton for power-up suits there's also plenty of awesome to be found. Soaring through the sky with the propeller suit or sliding across the ice in the penguin getup could very well be the definition of fun.

9. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Retro Studios blew gamers away when they revitalized the Metroid franchise by turning it into a first-person action adventure. After two entries on the GameCube, Retro rounded out the trilogy on the Wii with Corruption, which not only concluded the series in expert fashion but also made wonderful use of the Wiimote's pointer controls. In many ways, Nintendo's motion controller feels designed specifically with Metroid Prime in mind. Here's hoping we get one on the Wii U that takes it one step further with the GamePad.

8. Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Ignition Entertainment's gorgeous 2D side-scroller is an absolute must for owners of a Wii. Heck, the game jaw-dropping hand-drawn art is reason enough to purchase this game. The game was developed by Vanillaware, the same team behind the PS2 cult-classics Odin Sphere and GrimGrimoire. If the Wii's SD visuals have you down on the console, playing Muramasa will make it readily evident to you that artistic beauty can overshadow technical limitations. Oh yeah, and it's pretty fun to play too.

7. Donkey Kong Country Returns

We had to wait several years, but after a 3D collect-a-thon, a quirky rhythm-based adventure and two console generations in between, the classic 2D side-scrolling of Donkey Kong Country made its triumphant return. With Retro Studios at the helm, you don't need me to convince you that this game is supremely polished and an absolute blast to play. If you look back fondly on the days of playing as DK on your SNES, there is absolutely no reason for you not to play Donkey Kong Country Returns. Seriously, you'd be doing your inner child a serious disservice.

6. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

You know what they say, third time's a charm—but what if the first two times were also incredible? After blowing Nintendo fans away on the N64 with the original Super Smash Bros., HAL Laboratory went on to make Melee for the GameCube, which only improved the mashup brawler even more. The third entry continues the trend of astounding improvement with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the best four-player brawler gaming currently has to offer. Heck, it was so awesome that Sony couldn't help but steal the concept.


5. Xenoblade Chronicles

It's hard to believe this epic JRPG almost didn't make it to North America. This is easily the best role-playing experience you'll find on the Wii and among the best of the last decade. In an industry where most games are around 10 hours long, Xenoblade Chronicles is so large, it will take you far longer to complete. That means a larger story, deeper characters and a whole lot more gameplay—which just so happens to be fast, fluid and fun. RPG lovers can't afford to miss this one.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Ever since Nintendo first touted the accuracy of Wii Motion Plus, it was readily obvious that Skyward Sword would be the showpiece for the tech. Swinging the Wiimote and watching Link swipe his blade in the same fashion for the first time was nothing short of astounding. Let's also not discount the fact that this is a Zelda game, which means plenty of geniously-crafted dungeons, loads of cool gadgets and an epic quest. The watercolor art style was also a brilliant move that hides the Wii's technical limitations.

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Mario's planet-hopping franchise is easily one of the best series on the Wii. The plumber is out to save the princess again and this time he's got his pal Yoshi. Despite the fact that this is an SD title, thanks to some beautiful art direction and some serious developing magic, Super Mario Galaxy 2 can hold its own against many of the high-def titles on the market. If you're a lover of 3D Mario platforming (and how could you not be?) this one's an absolute must play.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Fans of Ocarina of Time will find in Twilight Princess the greatest love letter Nintendo has ever crafted. Not only does the game take quite a few pages out of the N64 classic's book, it also provides a number of exciting new twists that give the experience its own identity. It's easily one of the darkest Zelda games Nintendo has ever crafted and it features some of the franchise's most memorable characters—how could you ever forget Midna? It's the mature take on the series that fans had been crying out for ever since the launch of the GameCube, and it turned out to be an absolute masterpiece. Now if only we could get another of its ilk on the Wii U…

1. Super Mario Galaxy

What can I say? Mario is easily Nintendo's most prized franchise, and rightly so. The fearless plumber's first outing on the Wii was absolutely astounding. Super Mario Sunshine proved to be a polarizing 3D platformer on the GameCube, but you won't find too many people who don't like Galaxy. It's got super tight controls, addictive gameplay and ingenious level design that takes platforming to new levels of awesome. Mario 64 used to hold the title as the greatest 3D platformer of all time, but its safe to say that Mario Galaxy now holds that torch, proudly.

What do you think of our picks? Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments below.

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