Best Sinnoh Pokemon

The Best Sinnoh Pokemon That We Can’t Wait to Catch in Pokemon Go

The next generation of pocket monsters has finally arrived on Pokemon Go. First introduced to fans during the Diamond and Pearl era, this roster of creatures contains some of the series’ most creative designs. It boasts fan favorites like Lucario, Rotom, and Garchomp, all of which have had recurring roles in other titles. There’s also Bidoof, the unforgettable brown rodent thing that has spawned many memes since its Nintendo DS debut. Without other delay, the following are the best Sinnoh Pokemon we can’t wait to catch in Pokemon Go‘s newest update.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Rotom

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Nintendo and developer Game Freak take a lot of creative liberties in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This is perhaps best evidenced in Rotom, an electric and ghost-type monster that can change abilities depending on what home appliance it feels like being for the day.

By possessing motors of certain machines like microwaves, washers, lawnmowers, refrigerators, and more, this creature can change to suit a variety of different situations. It remains to be seen how Rotom will appear in Pokemon Go, though we doubt it’ll be able to transform your phone into a microwave. Sorry.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Giratina

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Legendary Pokemon Giratina has the awesome ability to travel through dimensions at will and lives on a plain known as the Distortion World. Banned from the planet for its violent nature, it can only be found roaming around cemeteries when no one is around. Here’s hoping Pokemon Go players won’t have to venture into their local graveyards to catch this ghost/dragon creature. Or travel to Nintendo and Niantic’s version of the Upside Down.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Glaceon

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Like most of Eevee’s evolutions, Glaceon is just plain cute. Known for loving humans, this “fresh snow” monster has the ability to form ice crystals around it simply by cooling down its body temperature, the likes of which can reach depths of -75 degrees Fahrenheit. Though you’ll probably want to cuddle up with Glaceon once you catch it, please do so at your own risk.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Honchkrow

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Honchkrow exudes a cool factor that most of us probably won’t ever possess. Resembling some kind of fusion between a gangster and a wizard, this ruthless dark crow has the ability to summon a huge flock of Murkrow in a moment’s notice. So many come at once that the sky momentarily turns pitch black. Imagine taking a casual stroll and seeing this with your own two eyes. I’d wish I was in the Upside Down with Giratina at that point.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Garchomp

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

The pseudo-legendary hammerhead shark Pokemon Garchomp is something you probably don’t want to cross paths with too often while playing Pokemon Go. Judging from how cool this thing looks, though, you may be willing to take the risk. Armed with razor sharp teeth and eyes capable of spotting prey from miles away, this Pokemon is made for ripping things into shreds.

As if it wasn’t deadly enough, Garchomp can also fly at incredible speeds. It’s no wonder how it can devour whole flocks of bird Pokemon in seconds. Maybe catching this monster in Go will even help us get to class faster. Just kidding – it’s not like we’re in a hurry to be there anyway.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Spiritomb

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of Ken Sugimori/Nintendo

Spiritomb is a pretty creepy creature, making it that much more worthwhile to catch in Pokemon Go. It lacks a physical body and can only be summoned once 108 souls are trapped in a frowning rock called the Old Keystone. How this’ll translate into the mobile game remains anyone’s guess, though we doubt Niantic will make us collect 108 souls to catch this ghost. Right?

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Lucario

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

The extremely rare and loyal Lucario is one of the most adored Pokemon to have ever been created. Known for its immense pride and sound morals, this Pokemon likes to hang out deep in secluded areas to practice its fighting techniques and grow stronger.

It’s also incredibly smart, possessing the ability to communicate with humans through telepathy and even read their thoughts. If only Lucario could help us read our partner’s minds in real life somehow. Pokemon Go might finally make that a reality. Or not.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Mismagius

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Mismagius is undoubtedly the Sinnoh region’s most sinister creature, though there’s no mistaking how fashionable it looks. This witch ghost monster can recite incantations to give its victims intense headaches or hallucinations. It can hex people for long periods of time, controlling their emotions and trapping them in a dream state. We may all have a use for Mismagius in the real world, though we’ll have to resort to catching it in Pokemon Go for now.

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Arceus

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of TV Tokyo/Nintendo

Also known as “The Original One,” Arceus is considered by some fans to be the god of the entire Pokemon universe. According to the franchise’s official lore, it actually shaped the entire world using its “1,000 arms.” It’s protected the planet from natural disasters long before humans existed and can bring things back to life in a blink of an eye. Who wouldn’t want Arceus on their Pokemon Go team?

Best Sinnoh Pokemon – Bidoof

Best Sinnoh Pokemon
Image courtesy of Ken Sugimori/Nintendo

The beautiful being that is Bidoof is nothing short of majestic. From its puffy tail to its powerful incisors, this plump Pokemon may be stronger than Arceus itself. Should you encounter Bidoof in Pokemon Go, make sure to treat it with the upmost of care.

Though you may still be tempted to use all of your Pokeballs exclusively for the mighty Bidoof, this list is proof that there are other options out there. From mysterious ghost rocks to literal gods, the fourth generation of Pokemon certainly doesn’t leave much in the room for disappointment. Here’s hoping the next batch lives up to to the series’ legacy. And that it includes Bidoof in some form.

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