The Unreal deal. Review

The Unreal deal.

With so many solid releases over the past few years, the first-person shooter

genre has become a veritable Battle Royal, a brutal free-for-all as great games

stand toe to toe trying to hold the attention of fickle fraggers. But despite

such impressive upstarts as Call

of Duty
, Battlefield: Vietnam and Far

, it’s hard to bet against that cagey veteran, Unreal.

Amazingly, Unreal Tournament 2003 snuck past the GR radar last

year. How exactly did this happen? Well, I cannot tell a lie – monkeys stole

it! So when

Unreal Tournament 2004 came around, we built the fences higher

and laid traps baited with Vodka-soaked bananas. This one would not get away.

It’s a good thing, too. UT

broadens the scope of the series with smooth integration of vehicles and new gameplay modes while retaining the customary level of white-knuckle intensity for which UT was originally revered.

UT 2004 is about as expansive an FPS as anyone could ask for. You’re offered 10 gameplay modes on or offline, played over a large number of vast indoor and Tribes-esque outdoor maps. Gameplay types are varied, from traditional Deathmatch and Capture the Flag to the more creative Assault and the fan-favorite, Onslaught. The variety is great and provides something for everyone.

Any gamer with a least an elementary school degree has played plenty of Deathmatch and CTF, both of which are handled well here, though things get much more interesting in the other game types.

Assault pits two teams against each other in a race to accomplish a set of objectives.

These include reaching key locations, using computers or destroying certain

enemy hardware. The objectives lend a point to the carnage and the inclusion

of vehicles and various turrets really helps keep the frantic firefights balanced.

Onslaught, the most widely-played mode, is an FPS tug-of-war in the vein of

the Battlefield series.

Each team starts at their own base with their own fleet of vehicles and battles

for control of a huge outdoor map. At each base is a power core; destroying this

is your main objective, but it cannot be done directly. The core must be linked

up with the smaller power nodes spread between the two opposing bases. So essentially,

players are fighting for control over as many power nodes as possible – control

of all the power nodes results in meltdown of the enemy’s core and victory

for your team. It requires a lot of skill, strategy and teamwork and is easily

one of the most exciting gameplay modes in this or any other FPS. It smells a

lot like Tribes

‘s base battles, but is significantly less complicated.


the most impressive new element in UT

is the appearance of vehicles, which the game pulls off admirably.

Trucks, hovercraft, tanks and more are here and all control well thanks to a

solid physics system. The game verbally rewards gamers for pulling tricks and

aerial stunts in the Raptor fighter plane, jumps and two-wheeled action in the

Scorpion buggy as well as various tricks in the Manta hovercraft. It’s sci-fi

road rage at its best!

But UT 2004 is still all about fragging; the munitions are plentiful

and deadly. The game is full of all sorts of ballistic and energy-based weapons

and gun turrets that balance out the seemingly more effective vehicles. Zipping

along in a Manta hovercraft dealing heated plasma death may seem a bit unfair

against a soldier on foot, yet many of the weapons are more than strong enough

to dispatch even the heavier tanks, transport vehicles and aircraft. The rocket

launcher features a handy lock-on, sending up to three rockets tracking enemies

for what seems like miles over the open landscape. Conversely, those who prefer

to drive will find the Link Gun’s alternate fire handy for repairing their broken



course, Unreal became popular in the first place due to its

now-legendary game engine; this

latest incarnation is stunning. The framerate is silky smooth and scalable to

work well on lower-end systems. The textures are rich, vibrant and meticulously

detailed. Particle effects dazzle as energy blasts explode on various surfaces.

Stealing the visual spotlight is the terrific vehicle physics, which can result

in some spectacular crashes. Destroying a speeding Manta, for instance, can yield

all sorts of eye candy; the momentum may carry the flaming heap turning end over

end and flattening an unsuspecting player. Satisfaction guaranteed!


all this fun can be had on or offline. While the former is easily the game’s

focus, UT

‘s offline component is better than it ever has been. Initially,

all the gameplay modes are not readily available. You must do well in the standard

Deathmatch and Capture the Flag modes to earn credits, which can then be used

to purchase more advanced gameplay modes. Normally this wouldn’t be very interesting,

but the bots are pretty darn smart and even operate the vehicles with a certain

degree of skill. Though playing offline doesn’t compare

to the much more satisfying multiplayer, the smart bots make it worthwhile

and will keep you from making a noob out of yourself when you decide to play

against real people.

There’s really not much wrong here, though the fact that it takes up a whopping 5.5 GB of your hard drive might force some uninstalls of other games. Plus, for all the gameplay modes, none are particularly original. You still respawn almost immediately after dying, relieving any real tension or fear of death. UT

is also a tough game with a pretty steep learning curve for some of the gameplay modes.

But despite these minor grievances, UT 2004 gets serious props.

Marrying the best elements of traditional UT with Halo, Tribes

and a bit of the Battlefield series, the game serves

up intricate, breakneck battles at blinding speeds. The introduction of vehicles

and new gameplay modes expands the series in fresh directions, leading to a game

that actually lives up to its grandiose name.

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