Army Men: Air Attack 2 Review

Can it be true…a good Army Men game?

The Army Men games are like Van Damme movies. One cannot deny the similarities.

First, they’re mostly all bad. Second,

they’re poorly directed. Third, just

when you think you’ve seen the last one, another one pops up.

And like Van Damme movies, the Army Men series is good in concept but

poor in execution. A game based on the little green army men we all played with

in the backyard seems brilliant. As the General, I remember losing many a good

man to the enemy via vicious attack dogs (household pets), napalm (hairspray

and matches), and explosives (firecracker taped on army man). It’s really too

bad these games have stunk.

When I was assigned Army Men: Air Attack 2, I reflected on my past

experience with the series and was mentally preparing to give the game a big,

fat F. But to my surprise, 3DO has created a decent (if unspectacular) game

based on the green menace.

The player assumes the role of Captain William Blade of the green army, whose

duty it is to commandeer the vital plastic needed to create green soldiers.

His arch nemesis is a tan fighter ace feared by the green and tan army alike,

named (ugh) Baron Von Beige. Worst name ever.

Most of the Army Men games are third-person action romps – just picture Tomb

, turn Lara into a green army guy, take away the moves, make the graphics

suck, and presto. However, the Air Attack series is a different (and

better) approach to the franchise.

Like the original Air Attack, this one has you cruising around in an

helicopter blasting baddies like a madman. Captain Blade pilots various types

of helicopters, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The goal is kept

simple: shoot everything tan and collect plastic.

Each whirlybird offers three weapons, guns, missiles, and a special weapon

specific to the co-pilot. In this aspect, Air Attack 2 might not appeal

to those who are accustomed to shooters with a larger arsenal. Still, there’s

something to be said for simplicity.


other Army Men games suffer from graphical retardation, Air Attack

breaks the mold and is actually pleasing to the eye. While the opening

FMV is a tad glitchy, the game itself looks great. The areas and vehicles are

extremely smooth and Captain Blade’s helicopter flows nicely with a burly framerate.

The shadow effects are also worth noting, even changing to suit the variation

in terrain.

The controls are simple and easy to grasp – pretty much anything with opposable

thumbs can play this game. And considering the prodigious amount of carnage

ahead, good control is a big plus.

Air Attack 2 offers a two-player game and provides a split screen for

co-op missions. I’ve seen nice looking games go to hell when a split-screen

comes into the picture, but fortunately very little is lost here.

Which brings me to one of the few gripes I have, canyons. Those accustomed

to flight games are used to a big, free roaming arena. Although the stages are

large, they are also very linear. Throughout the game there is almost always

a barrier on each side to prevent wreaking havoc on the targets of your choosing.

Instead you pilot on sort of a track and deal with enemies as they come.

If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s horrible dubbing. More often than

not, voice talents for video games sound like they should stick to Kung Fu Theater.

However, 3DO actually hired actors to portray the characters and it’s not as

bad as it could have been.

Air Attack is reminiscent of Soviet and Nuclear Strike

for the Playstation and PC, and is recommended for fans of either series. For

all the Army Men fans out there, you both need to get this game. As for

the rest of you, this is a great rental. Although it is has good graphics and

decent gameplay, I doubt you would be happy slappin’ down 50 clams for it.

  • Good graphics
  • Simple controls and gameplay
  • Very linear
  • Just not enough meat on the bones


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